Recognizing Niche Passion Groups Within a Collaborative Online Community

Tags: Anecdotal, Insights, Online Communities

collaborative online communities

Hopefully by now you are comfortable with the difference between crowdsourcing and co-creation. After understanding what co-creation is and the benefits it affords, you may be interested in learning even more about how it stands apart from traditional market research tools.

Once co-creation gets rolling, the ideas that emerge are often amazing, but what you discover is not limited to the most popular ideas generated.

The Passion Index

Remember that your co-creation community can generate ideas for new products or services or they can test out prototypes that you’ve created and make suggestions for adjusting and enhancing them.

Of course, anyone can have ideas for products. The tricky part is figuring out which of them are likely to succeed. One way to do so is to measure the passion that your community has for various concepts.

When your co-collaborators demonstrate zeal for an idea, many other consumers will probably have the same feeling about it. And, when people are passionate about a concept, they’re more determined for it to be a success.

Therefore, utilizing a “passion index” ― that is, allowing your participants to rate the intensity of their excitement for various options ― can be a key part of collaboration.

Throughout the iterative conversations, all of the members will draw from their areas of knowledge or personal experience, and their ideas should build off of one another. Once ideas have been generated and collaboration has improved upon them, when members get the chance to evaluate the ideas and put their personal value on them, you will see that passion emerge. This is done through not only having members vote for their favorite ideas, but in addition, rank their favorite ideas.

What surfaces is a group of ideas with strong passion behind them, backed by a potentially smaller group of consumers who will support that product/service more than your average consumer. They will become that niche audience to push the product/service into a successful business venture.

The “passion index” shines a light on which ideas translate into winning opportunities. Who knows where the co-creation road will take you… let passion lead the way.

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